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There is no set rule, one male and one female would do, but suggest 2 males and 6 females with the same traits. Most local fish stores will recommend 1 male with 2 or 3 females for any livebearers.

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Q: How many fancy female guppies do you need and how many males to breed?
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What is the difference between plain guppies and fancy tail guppies?

The only difference is the tail is about 1 cm bigger Males usually aready have fancy tails i find

I got 5 guppies 3 male and 2 female one of my female guppies stay away from my other guppies is it because she's smaller?

first of all, do you have a heater in the tank? if so, is she staying near it? because if you do have a heater and she is staying near it she is probably going to have babies. if not then she maight not be old enouh to breed and is avoiding the males. are the males chasing the females around the tank a lot? she might be hiding from the males because they are aggresive. if none of these is the case then i don't know.

How long will female guppies have babies after being separated from males?

in three to 4 weeks

Are all male guppies smaller than female guppies?

Yes all full grown females are bigger then the males, males only have bigger tails.Also you can tell the difference between the males and females by looking at your guppies and the ones that have the most colors are the males and the females are plain. Well not all females are plain they have some color but not a lot!

Can a female guppy have red on them and will a female one die if there is only 1 female and 2 males?

Yes, guppies come in many color varieties including red. If there are two male guppies and one female guppy, the female will most likely become too stressed and will die. Always keep more females than males!

How do you know if you have a female or male betta fish?

The males are the colorful ones with the fancy tails. No fancy tail, you have a female, they are dull and usually a brown color.

How large can guppies get?

Females get larger than the males and a large female would be around 2 inches.

What are the signs of guppie breeding?

The signs of guppy breeding is when the males (the more colorful fish) start chasing the female guppies (the duller ones). The female guppies should appear to become fatter, signifying that the fish is pregnant.

How can you tell if a guppy is a boy or a girl?

This is with every fish, the males bottom fin is like a spike as the females are like a circle.

Can female betta be put in established male guppies tank?

Both females and males can. but females are the least likely to get violent

When a male guppy pokes on female guppies stomach does that make the female pregnant?

Guppies and Platys are live bearers and most reproduce by an elongated anal fin called a gonopodium that males use to deposit sperm to females. The female can then use the males sperm for nearly 3 months observed by some fish caretakers. She will bear the babies inside her until they are born swimming freely, but very small. If your female has been around any males, chances are she is pregnant.

Do guppies get lonely in a fish bowl?

Guppies are a community fish and are best kept in odd numbered groups with more females than males; for example, a group of 3 guppies with 2 females and 1 male. The reason for a higher female to male ratio is because males will fight with each other for matting rights to the females.