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Q: How many glucose molecules are in amylose?
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How many water molecules would be released in a reaction when 10 glucose molecules are linked together?

Amylase is a catalyst (enzime).Amylose is the polysaccharide.

What substance makes starch?

Starch is made up of amylose and amylopectin. Both of these are polymers of glucose molecules.

What is an amylose?

An amylose is the soluble form of starch which is a linear polymer of glucose.

What enzyme acts on starches and turns it into sugar?

Amylase: Starch or amylose is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) comprised of long chains of glucose molecules. The enzyme, amylase, hydrolyzes starch to dextrins (short chains of glucose molecules), maltose (disaccharide containing glucose) and glucose (sugar).

What are large starch molecules made up of?

They are composed of amylose and amylopectin. They are different because the former is a linear chain of glucose molecules, while the latter is a highly branched

A starch molecule is like a?

Starch molecules are like chains of sugar (glucose). They can be entirely straight (amylose) or branched (amylopectin).

How many subunits does glucose have?

It has only one. We refer to subunits when we talk about polymers, which long molecules made up of joined monomers, rather like a necklace made of many beads. The beads are the subunits. Glucose is not a polymer, it is a monomer. Amylose, one of the constituents of starch,is made of at least a thousand glucose subunits.

What produces maltose during digestion?

Amylose and Amylopectin.

What is the monosaccharide that results from the complete hydrolysis of amylose?

Amylose is made up of α(1→4) bonded glucose monomers, so glucose is the only product of complete hydrolytic breakdown.

What is the monosaccharide that results frrom the complete hydrolysis of amylose?

Amylose is made up of α(1→4) bonded glucose monomers, so glucose is the only product of complete hydrolytic breakdown.

What is the product of the reaction when alpha-amylase acts on amylose?

maltose and glucose

What is also called amylose and used by plants to store glucose?
