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Millions of hitchhikers are killed every year in the USA by the drivers who pick them up. Strangers usually don't pick you up for nothing. Most people who pick up strangers hurt them. They kidnap them they beat them they knock them out they rob them they rape them and they murder them. I had never hitchhiked in my life and I never will either. Whatever city you live it's dangerous to accept a ride from a total stranger or someone we barely know. Most people are nice but once in awhile some people hurt and kill others. Refusing a ride from a stranger could save your life. If you have a friend with you who knows the person very well it's different. Because when someone wants to harm/hurt you. You could get kidnapped, robbed, raped, knocked out and murdered. Many hitchhikers are muredered in USA, Canada, France, Italy, all across the world.

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1mo ago

There is no specific data on the number of hitchhikers killed by drivers who pick them up in the US. However, hitchhiking poses risks to both hitchhikers and drivers, as it involves getting into a vehicle with a stranger. It is important for individuals to exercise caution and consider the potential dangers when hitchhiking.

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Why is it dangerous to hitchhike?

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