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Q: How many hours does it take for one germ to multiply in to millions?
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How many germs do objects hold?

There is no answer to this as the size of the germ and objects are different but normal millions

Who know how many hours are in the day?

Many millions of people.

How many seconds is 3.5 hours?

Multiply the number of hours by 3600.

How many mins. is 1.5 hours?

Multiply the number of hours by 60.

How many days and hours have you lived?

take how old you are multiply it by 365 days and then multiply that by 24 hours for each day

How many hours are there in three years?

We start by finding out how many hours there are in a day, then how many days there are in a year, and then how many hours are there in 3 years.24 hrs / 1 day. Multiply the numerator and denominator by 365 and you get 8760 hours in a year. Multiply this by 3 and you have 26,280 hours, the answer.

How many hours are a millions seconds?

277.7777 recurring hours are equal to 1000000 seconds.

How many hours are in 21 years?

365 multiply by 24 then multiply that answer by 21 and it is 183960

How many minutes are 0.2 hours?

To convert from hours to minutes, multiply by 60.

How many hours are there in 91 days?

multiply by 24

How many minutes is 11 hours?

To convert hours to minutes, multiply the hours by 60.

How many hours is there in 20 days?

You can multiply the 20 days by the amount of hours in a day.