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That depends on the output level of the propane.

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Q: How many hours will a 20lb tank of propane last?
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It lasts around 10-12 hours on a 20lb propane tank.

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How much propane is burned in a propane fireplace on average?

Too broad a question. Need BTUs of heater + how many hours running per day to answer.

How many hours will a propane generator run after the power goes out?

The factors that determine how long a propane generator can run are the size of the propane tank, the size of the generator, the brand of generator, and what is being used under the generator's power.

How many BTUs are in a gallon of propane?

Type your answer here... there are around 91,600 BTUs in a gallon of propane. The standard BBQ sized bottle of propane contains 11 pounds of propane. Propane weighs about 4.2 pounds per gallon, so that 11 pounds of propane is about 2.5 gallons in its liquid state. That means there is 91,600 BTUs/Gal times 2.5 gallons so a BBQ sized tank of propane contains about 2.3 million BTUs. If your BBQ has a 50,000 BTU burner, on high heat, it will last a bit over 4 and half hours of run time.

How many hours does a turkey need to last in an oven so it can get cooked well?

I inject, season & cover my 20lb turkey with aluminum foil & bake all night @ 225*. At around 5-6am I uncover the turkey then I put it on 350* for 2 more hours..equalling about 8 hours total. My turkey is always a hit!-juicy, tender & perfectly golden brown:)

How many sheets of 20lb paper can you mail with 1 stamp?

You can mail up to 5 sheets of 20lb paper with 1 standard postage stamp within the United States.

How many hours will a propane refrigerator run on a gallon of propane?

Depends on the size of the burner, if the unit is 5000 btu's ,( probably much smaller), but it makes the math easy that would run a fridge (full throttle) for 20 hours. The flame cycles, so it won't use that non stop. To make it easy., divide the amount of btu's into 93,000 (roughly the btu's in a gallon of propane) and you will have your answer

How long on average does a 20 lb propane gas grill tank last?

1 gallon of Propane ~= 4.23 lbs ~= 91500 Btus 1 lbs of Propane ~=22000 Btus 20 lb tank of propane holds approx 4 gallons of propane (366000 BTUs) Your grill will last 366000 BTUs/ Grill BTU output hrs

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Three hours

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24 hours +