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It depends on whether they are working for themselves, or for someone else. A typical full time work week would be about 15-25 one hour massages. There are other duties in addition to 'table time' that account for the remainder of the 40 hours of a typical work week.

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Q: How many hours would a massage therapist work during a typical work week?
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How does one become a massage therapist?

To become a massage therapist one must complete a training program to get the right qualification. One must enroll with a massage school and many US states require over 500 hours training.

What are the licensing requirements for a massage therapist in CA?

The licensing requirements for a massage therapist in CA include: 500 supervised hours and passing the NCETMB exam. More information can be found at

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140 hours a week.

What is a massage therapist salary in Virginia Beach Virginia?

The Pay is 300 dollars per 3 hours

How long will I have to go to school or training to become a massage therapist?

There are several massage therapy schools that offer programs to help a person become a licensed massage therapist. Depending on the number of contact hours required by state the programs can take a few weeks to two years.

How long it takes to be a massage therapist?

In the US the average minimum in most states is 500 hours of education and training.

What qualifications are needed for a massage therapist to practice?

You will need a license to practice massage therapy in most states. This will require you to take roughly 500 hours of class and pass an exam.

Can you hurt after a massage?

When a massage therapist works your muscles to help relax and lengthen them, they are working the muscles in such a way that it can be similar to the effects you get the next day after you have started a new exercise routine. So sometimes, after getting a massage for the first time, a person can feel sore the next day because the muscles have been manipulated in a way that encourages them to rebuild themselves stronger, just like in exercise. This is called delayed-onset pain and should not be confused with immediate-onset pain that occurs during, or right after, physical exercise or massage. If you experience pain during, or a few hours after a massage, then it was done improperly and you should consult with the massage therapist, or if severe, see your doctor. Also, you should see another massage therapist if the condition didn't work the 1st one.

How many years of college do you need to become a massage therapist?

The time required to become a massage therapist can vary. 330 to 1,000 contact hours and up to two years of program study are required in many states. These vary depending on state law.

What about massage using massage kits?

It all depends on your intentions. Massage kits are usually designed for inexperienced people to be introduced to massage and generally are targeted for couples. A professional massage is completely different and is performed by licensed and certified therapist with at least 500 hours of training in (most places). The other difference is the the couple's massage kit is intended to promote intimacy, while a professional massage by a therapist is for the overall health benefits and alleviating muscular pain, in general.

What do you minor and major in to become a massage therapist?

You do not need a college education to become a massage therapist. Most massage therapists go to a private vocational school, community college, or caree institute. The most common amount of training required in most US cities, counties, or states is a minimum of 500 hours of training at an accredited school.

What is Registered Massage Therapist income in Vancouver?

They make around $32.60 an hour. Massage therapists work long hours on their feet and it is an extremely physically demanding job. They make more at times from tips.