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Q: How many hybrid orbital form when three atomic orbital of a central atom mix?
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How many atomic orbitals must be mixed to make the sp2 hybrid orbital?

five atomic orbitals must be mixed into one ; one s orbital; three p orbital; one d orbital, forming sp3d orbital

Combination of one s orbital with one p orbital?

s orbitals are spherical, so there cannot be any angle 'between' an s orbital and a p orbital. However, each lobe of a p orbital is perpendicular (90 degrees in all directions) to the surface of an s orbital.

What is amotic orbital?

Atomic Orbital is a math funciton which utilizes quantum mechanics. Atomic Orbital represents three-dimensional volume and indicates where an electron will be found.

A sp2 hybridized central atom has what angles between its hybrid orbitals?

Three hybrid orbitals in a plane at 120 0 to each other. One perpendicular to the plane, a p orbital.

What is sp2 hybridisation?

Hybridization in brief can be said as inter mixing of orbitals. But you may have questions such as why? where ? when it happens and what exactly it is? Its very simple for example as in your question consider methane. The carbon atom has 2 electrons in 1s orbital and; 2 electrons in 2s orbital and; 1 electron in 2px orbital and; 1 electron in 2py orbital.In methane before carbon atom undergo bonding with hydrogen it undergoes hybridization ,that is 2s orbitals and 2p orbitals combines or hybridizes and for methane it is sp3 hybridization that means an s orbital had combined with 3 of the 2p orbitals (2px,2py,2pz). It has an tetrahedral arrangement (like four corners of a triangular pyramid) of four lobes of angles approx 109.5 degrees(The angle between H-C-H). After hybridization you cannot differentiate s orbital and p orbital.And in that sp3 hybrid each lobe has one electron and all the lobes bond with hydrogen atoms containing single electron.Note that all the lobes must be treated as an orbital such that they can maximum hold only of two electrons.Thus methane is formed as an result of head on collision of sp3 hybrids and hydrogen atoms.

What meant by hybridization of atomic orbital?

Hybridization of atomic orbitals is the intermixing of atomic orbitals having a approximate energy to form equal number of hybrid orbitals having the same shape, size and energy but pointing in different directions. The new orbitals which are formed are "hybrids" of the originals and have properties that are somewhere in between. For example, a common hybridization is sp3 where three p orbitals combine with an s orbital to form four new orbitals. Other combinations (such as sp and sp2) are also possible.

Why does Valence Bond theory sometimes use hybrid orbital rather than r b atomic orbital basis sets?

The Valence Bond Theory uses hybrid electron orbitals because it has been shown that the s and three p orbitals of an electron shell can occur as 4 orbitals with equal energy, thereby producing a single spectrograph line when split through a prism. The s orbital can remain alone, or hybridize with 1, 2, or all 3 p orbitals, refered to as sp, sp2 and sp3 respectively.

What are three major sub-atomic particles?

In the nucleus of the atom you have the protons and neutrons. In the orbital space around the nucleus are the electrons.

If three electrons are available to fill three empty 2p atomic orbitals how will the electrons be distributed in the three orbitals?

One electron in each of the three p orbitals (Hund's rule)

What types of atomic orbital are in the third principal energy level?

The principal energy level is three, so there are three sublevels: 3s, 3p, and 3d. S,P and D

What is the three dimensional region around a nucleus where an electron may be found?

The three dimensional region around the nucleus of an atom that indicates the probability of the location of an electron is called an orbital. Different orbitals exist in atoms depending on the number of electrons the atom possesses. The element hydrogen only has one orbital, whereas heavier elements such as radon have many.

Ethyne C2H2 contains one carbon - carbon triple bond What is the best description of this bond?

Overlap of one sp2 hybrid orbital on each atom to form a sigma bond and a p orbital on each atom to form a pi bond.