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there are no statics because it will be a high population anyway

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Q: How many kids die in 2005 from bullying?
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How many children die from cyberbullying?

Statistic says that there is an average number of 4500 kids who commit suicide each year because of cyber bullying.

How many die from bullying?


How many times do people die because of bullying a year?

lots and lots if it is violet bullying.

How many kids die from being bullied every day?

Teenagers commit suicide everyday because they can't take the bullying anymore. You have no idea how bad it can get!!

How many people die from bullying a day?


How many people die from bullying each year in Australia?


How many teens die a year from bullying?

Pretty close to zero. If you consider suicides to be "dying from bullying" then the number is higher, but bullying is rarely the only (or even primary) factor in suicide.

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they die

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Alot of fat kids die cause they are fat.

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None; they die by drowning.

How many people die from phsicall bullying?

thousand as noone does anything about you should always speak out and ask for help