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Q: How many kilogram in bushel of barley?
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A bushel is how many kilos?

Bushels are now most often used as units of mass or weight rather than of volume!!!! Wheat and Corn are measured by the Bushel! One Bushel of Wheat is equal to 27.21829069134458 Kilos! One Bushel of Corn is equal to 25.39998628400741 Kilos!

How many pounds of barley in a bushel?

48lbs of barly is in one bushel

How many bushel in a barrel of corn?

0.28 kilogram

How many pounds is an ephah of barley?

1 bushel 35 liter

How many bushel in a ton of barley?

Assuming the barley meets minimum test weight standards, there are 41 and 2/3 bushels in a ton.

What were barley prices in 1998?

Both feed and malting barley averaged $1.98 per bushel in 1998

How much did a bushel of barley sell for in biblical days?


How much cider from one bushel of apples?

According to a spokesman from the Canadian Grain Commission one bushel of barley will make 490 bottles of watery beer. Canadians make about 410 bottles and Europe makes about 325 bottles from one bushel of barley.

What are bushels?

A bushel is a measure, just like a gallon, quart or pint. Sizes are in order below Cup Pint = 2 cups Quart = 2 pints Half Gallon = 2 quarts Gallon = 4 quarts Peck = 2 1/3 gallons Bushel = 4 pecks

How many bushel of barley is grown on an Acer of land?

That all depends on where you are located, moisture levels, cultivar of barley (i.e., whether it's two-row or six-row), and other factors.

What were barley prices in 2002?

By 2002, farmers were receiving an average of $2.70 per bushel

How many pounds in a half bushel?

. . . is that a bushel of feathers, a bushel of cotton, a bushel of wheat, or a bushel of lead pellets? (A bushel is a volume, not a weight.)