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Q: How many kilograms of cocoa beans makes 1 ton?
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What ingridient is in chocolate that makes you fat?

The fat is probably the biggest problem. Refined sugar is considered by many to be bad for you. And cocoa also contains some caffeine.

How many cocoa beans does it take to buy a bar of chocolate?


How many cocoa beans are produced in a year by Africa?

4000 tonnes

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5 beans have a mass of 2.1 gram how many beans are in 454 kilograms of beans?

Each bean has an average mass of 2.1/5 grams, or 0.42 grams, and 454 kilograms = 454,000 grams. 454,000 grams / 0.42 grams = 1,080,952, so there are 1,080,952 beans in 454 kilograms of beans.

How many coco beans are in a chocolate bar?

It takes approximately 400 cocoa beans to make a 1 pound chocolate bar.

What is unique about Callebaut cocoa powder?

Callebaut cocoa powder is unique because it is a high quality product that can be used as ingredients for many different applications. They are based on the finest selection of cocoa beans.

How many bags of cocoa makes up 1 tonne?

Question:how heavy is a bag of cocoa

How many cocoa beans would you trade for 10 pumpkins?

well i would say 6

How was darkness made?

derived from cocoa beans they are mixed with sugar and milk. the difference is the amount of milk in which makes it white, milk, or Dark Chocolate. the less milk there is, the darker the chocolate will be. there are many different percentages of dark chocolate ranging from 50% pure cocoa to 100%.

How many kilograms makes 1 dozen?
