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Q: How many known animal species are there in Sri Lanka?
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Do Sri Lanka have horses?

Sri lanka also known as ceylon is a island. there are many animal species in there. But there are no horses.

how many animal species are in the world?

There are approximately 1.2 million known species of animals, but scientists estimate there are closer to 8.7 million animal species on earth.

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There are many animal species that live in tropical climates. There are the commonly known, like toucans and many species of monkey, and there are otehrs, like sloths, lizards, and many types of insect.

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uncountable animal species are there in India

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It depends on the species of animal.

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How many project management solution corporations are in Sri Lanka?

There are a number of project management solution corporations in Sri Lanka. Since there are many upstart companies with little to no online presence, the current number is not known. However, the largest such company in Sri Lanka is known. The company is called "The Project Management Specialists."