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Mother Teresa came to speak five languages fluently:

her native Albanian






AnswerI am actually doing a report on her so I'll give you the answer to your question. She spoke Indian and English, because she was from Calcutta, India that explains the Indian now the English, that was the second language there. She would often learn that in school. If you want to see and hear her speak just go to and type in Mother Teresa at the top and there she is. Hopefully my answer was useful!

Mother Teresa was born in Albania.

Five languages Mother Teresa can speak fluently. Her own language is Albanian after that English, Hindi, Bengali & Serbo.Croat are the languages she was fluent speaker of.

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She was able to speak Bengali.

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Q: How many languages did Mother Teresa come to speak fluently during her life?
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What happened to language after the roman empire fell?

Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.Latin was the primary language during the empire but when it fell local dialects and accents took over and the beginnings of modern languages appeared.

What was the language during world war 2?

Same languages as today in the world.

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