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Q: How many living individuals are in a population that is extinct?
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How many living individuals are there in a population that is extinct?

none they are dead

What is a species that has no more individuals living on earth?

A species that has died out is called an extinct species. There are many of them. Dinosaurs for instance.

How many dodo birds are living today?

There are no dodo's alive they are extinct

How many cetaceans are there?

84 living cetaceans (not extinct) though there are 7 extinct cetaceans

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Are whales still living in the oceans?

Yes. Many are endangered but not extinct.

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As of 2021, there are no billionaires living in Columbia, Missouri. Columbia is a smaller city with a population of around 120,000 people and does not have any individuals who have reached billionaire status.

Are all monkeys extinct?

Not at all! There are many living monkeys in the world today.

What is over exploitation?

Overexploitation is the disappearance of so many individuals that the population is cannot maintain itself. Since the 1600s, worldwide overexploitation of animals for food and other products has caused numerous species to become extinct or endangered.

How many people still living in Hupa Tribe today?

not very many they are actuly considered extinct

What is the dying out of many types of living things at one time?

Mass extinction: many types of living things becoming extinct at the same time.

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Afghanistan is a country that has many individuals. The country is estimated to have around thirty millions individuals. The population is expected to increase.