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10 ANd and 4 Or gate..

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Q: How many logic gates are needed to build the 4 bit carry-lookahead adder?
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Related questions

Minimum number of and gates required to form full and half adder?

9,to implement a half adder 5 nand gates and for a full adder,another xor gate is required consisting of 4 nand gates. thus a total of 9 nand gates are required for a full adder.

Why do you design a full adder using OR gate?

You cannot design a full adder using only OR gates. You also need AND gates. Typically, this can be done with just NAND gates.

Design full adder using only nor gates?

12 NOR gates are required to implement full adder

How many NOR gates are their in a full adder?


What are disadvantages of full adder using two half adder?

more logic gates are used instead

Minimum number of nand gates required to form full and half adder?

Check this link

Draw the logic circuit for a half adder using nor gates only?


How many gates could Bill Gates build if Bill Gates could build gates?

I see you have asked a wise question, grasshopper.

What is Full Adder made of?

full adder is made of x-or gates and gates and can also be made of two half adders and one or gate.full adder consists of 3 inputs lines and 2 output lines which can be named as sum(s) and carry(c).it is a combinational circuit. s= a xor b xor c(if inputs are named as a ,b,c) c=ab+bc+ca

How is half adder implemented using null convention logic?

by using 4 NCL gates we can design or implement a half adder.gates used in half adder are TH12[1 GATE],TH22[1 GATE] and TH24COMP0 [2 GATES].this NCL have a concept of DUAL-RAIL.output we get for this are S0,S1,Cout0,Cout1.

How many half adder and or gates are required to add two 4 bit binary numbers?

i have the same question. please some1 answer it...

Implement a full adder using NOR gates only?

Maybe you don't wanna understand or basically don't have to dear it's your decision