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Q: How many males are present in each group of Elephants?
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How do elephant males impres female elephants?

by battling each other for her love just like other male animals

Do elephants live in a group family together?

females travel in groups while males travel alone once they get old enough to mate

Do elephants live in heards?

Yes, they do. Elephants live in herds containing mature females and young offspring. Mature males live alone or in a bachelor herd. Males get together with the family herds only during the breeding season. The leader is an experienced female, usually older and larger than the rest. Elephants wander with each other, supporting each other in survival and working together to raise and protect the children.

How many elephants are in one pack?

The family will consist of an older matriarch, her daughters (usually about 3 or 4 of them) and their calves. A typical elephant family usually comprises 6 to 12 individual elephants, but can expand to a larger group of 20.

Do elephants have penises?

Female elephants have two mammary glands on their breast, located on each side behind the front legs.

Do elephants stay in herds?

Elephants live in the forest and raise their young there. Young ones stay with the herd for a few years until they are old enough to fend for themselves. Adolescent males leave the group while females stay with the group forever. The herd is lead by a Matriarch which is the oldest female in the herd. The whole herd takes care of rearing and protecting the youngsters.

What is the difference between an African elephants foot and an Asian elephants foot?

African elephants have 3 nails on each hind foot, and 4 on each front foot.Asian elephants have 4 nails on each hind foot and 5 on each front foot

When do baby elephants wean from the mother?

Elephants live in family groups for many generations, therefore they never go on their own. Orphaned elephants aren't alone either. Usually another female elephant cares for that elephant. Their mothers stop caring for them when they are four to five years old because it takes a while for the elephants to learn everything. Once they have learned, they become a member of the group who protects their family.

What do elements in each group or family have in common?

elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons. The number of shells present increases as we move down a group.

How do African elephants greet each other?

Touching is an important form of communication among elephants. Individuals greet each other by stroking or wrapping their trunks. Older elephants discipline younger elephants with trunk-slaps, kicks, and shoves!

Do elephant live in social group?

Yes, elephants have very established social order. Each herd has a matriarch, and consist of adult females, and young males and females. The mother, sisters, aunts, and female cousins will raise the young elephants. They will show them where routes to water are, where to find food, specific behaviors, and other things the young elephants need to know. They pass down traditions, sometimes that are specific to their herd. As elephants get older, the females usually stay in the herd. Males will leave at about four years of age. They will go out on their own, or sometimes join smaller all male herds. Sometimes, if a younger elephant is separated from the herd, another herd will take them in. A female elephant will adopt him in, and other females will act as the aunts or relatives that help to raise and teach it.

What is group matching in psychology?

Group matching in psychology refers to a research design technique where participants are matched across different groups based on specific characteristics to control for potential confounding variables. This method helps researchers ensure that the groups being compared are similar on certain factors, reducing the impact of these variables on study results.