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The normal series of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is two injections. Depending on your age, occupation, and clinical status, your health care provider may have a different recommendation.

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Q: How many measles mumps and rubella vaccinations do you need?
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Are vaccines beneficial for the majority of children?

Indeed, vaccines ARE beneficial for the majority of children. Vaccinations have nearly wiped out many contagious diseases -- unless parents did not vaccinate their children. MMR--measles, mumps, rubella (German measles)-- is one. Small pox another; polio containment a HUGE achievement. Besides deformities, like from polio, and years of medical treatments, many of these contagions resulted in death for babies and young children.

What do vaccines prevent?

Vaccines prevent only the infectious diseases that they were made to prevent. For example, a vaccine for one type of flu will prevent that type of flu, but you may still get other types if you are not also vaccinated for them. This is why the seasonal flu vaccine usually contains vaccine for the three most likely types of flu that are expected to circulate at the next flu season. There are vaccines for the various types of influenza, for other viral diseases like measles, mumps and polio and for a very limited number of bacterial disease such as one common type of bacterial pneumonia. See the related questions below for more information about how vaccines work.

What is the medical term for 14-day measles?

There are many terms for the 14 day measles, but the most common are: Measles Rubeola

How many kinds of measles are there?

There are two types of measles. Although they share some of the same symptoms, they are caused by different viruses: 1.) Standard measles, sometimes known as red measles, or hard measles, is caused by the rubeola virus. 2.) German measles, also known as rubella, is an entirely separate illness caused by the rubella virus and is usually a milder infection than standard measles.

What type of organism causes measles?

Normal measles is caused by the Rubeola virus. You most likely got vaccinated for it as a child - it's a part of the MMR (measles mumps rubella) vaccine. Make sure not to confuse Rubeola (normal measles) with Rubella (German measles) as they're slightly different viruses :)Does anybody know because I really need to know for my science stuff and I don't have a clue! Help please. Many Thanks.chocolate

What were the damages to the San Buenaventura Mission?

Many Chumash indians brought illness such as measles, syphilis, smallpox, pneumonia, and mumps

What is Congenital Rubella Syndrome?

Congenital Rubella Syndrome is caused by the mother of an unborn child contracting the German Measles during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Rubella virus gets transmitted to the baby and can cause many birth defects and health problems. Mental retardation, blindness, deafness and heart problems are some of the effects related to Rubella.

What diseases are prevented by your vaccines?

The flu..... Chicken Pox, and meningitis are just some of the few * measles * chicken pox * mumps * rubella * whooping cough * polio * tuberculosis * meningitis * HPV * Tetnus * cholera * diptheria * influenza * malaria

How many shots do you have to get going into middle school?

The number and kind of shots needed depends on where your school is located and the rules and regulations regarding vaccinations for that area and whether or not you had your childhood immunization shots. Vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US are: Diptheria Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Influenza Measles Menigococcal Disease Mumps Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Pneumococcal Disease Polio Rotavirus Rubella (German Measles) Tetanus (lockjaw) Varicella (chicken pox)

What are some of the most common communicable diseases?

Many disease are easily transferred through the exchange of fluids or bacteria. The common cold and flu are examples of easily spreading diseases. Pink eye and Strep throat are two very common and very contagious diseases of this time.

Should you have vaccinations before getting pregnant?

Answer-- Get all your vaccinations done BEFORE you get pregnant. You don't want live vaccine viruses around while you are pregnant, because they can hurt the developing baby. Some vaccines are live viruses and other vaccines are dead viruses, so check with your doctor which is which. As long as you get pregnant about 4-6 months after your final vaccination (for a live virus vaccine) you should be OK. Also, don't let the new baby get vaccines too young, or too many all at once. "Get your immunities to common childhood diseases (mumps and measles) tested. If you received the shots during certain years and lot numbers, they might not have worked. This is to avoid birth defects. Wait a while (at least three months) after getting the shot, before you get pregnant." "Getting rubella (German measles) early in pregnancy can cause birth defects. A simple blood test can tell if you have immunity. If you are not immune, a vaccine given at least 3 months before getting pregnant will protect you from getting rubella in the future."

What does rubella do to the body?

Rubella is a contagious infection that leaves a rash on your skin. Rubella is also called German Measles. The rash looks like either pink or light red spots, which can form evenly colored patches. Rubella can lead to swollen lymph nodes in other parts of the body, and pain and swelling in the joints. Rubella in pregnant woman can cause congenital rubella syndrome. Children who are infected with rubella pre-birth are at risk for many things such as growth and mental retardation, malformations of the heart and eyes, deafness, and liver, spleen, and bone marrow problems. It's very serious for pregnant women diagnosed with rubella get a vaccine immediately.