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There is NO net positive charge in one mole of neutral hydrogen gas because it IS neutral.

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Q: How many megacoulombs of positive charge are in 1 mole of neutral molecular hydrogen gas?
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What charge is near the hydrogen atom?

The neutral hydrogen atom is neutral; the ion (H+) is positive.

Is oxygen negative neutral or positive charged?

Molecular oxygen is neutral; the ions are frequently (O)2-.

How can you detect neutral mutation on molecular level?

"Neutral" isn't a molecular-level concept. A neutral mutation is one that doesn't affect the fitness of the organism; fitness is depending on the environment. For instance, a mutation that's neutral when nutrients are plentiful might become positive or negative if a particular nutrient becomes rare.

Do neutrons and hydrogen atoms have the same charge?

No. A neutron is neutral, while a proton has a positive charge. Incidentally, an electron has a negative charge.

Is a oxygen and hydrogen atom a positive or negative charge?

All atoms are generally neutral species.

How come 1 hydrogen is positive and two bonded hydrogens are neutral?

Hydrogen has a valency of one, meaning that a lone hydrogen atom is looking to pair up with one other atom of something-or-other; until it does, it has a positive electrical charge, but once that atom has paired up with another hydrogen atom (which will have also had a positive charge) the valency of both is satisfied, & so the bonded pair become neutral.

What is pH pure water (neutral)?

pure water is neutral with a pH of 7

In molecular compounds are the total number of positive charges equal to the total number of electrical charges?

yes. molecular compound is neutral. if a compound has charges, that's known as ionic compound.

When was The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution created?

The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution was created in 1983.

Why is pure water neutral despite the fact the production of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions?

Because the number of positive hydrogen ions produced is equal to the number of negative ions produced, water is neutral. Water is neutral despite the production of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions because the number of positive hydrogen ions produced is equal to the number of negative ions produced, water is neutral.

Is CH4 a molecular compound?

Methane (CH4) is a compound with the elements carbon and hydrogen

Why there is strong attraction between the water molecules though a water molecule itself is electrically neutral?

Water is a polar molecule, it has a bent shape with the Hydrogen (positive side) molecules on the opposite side of the Oxygen (the negative side) the type of molecular attraction (Inter molecular forces) present in water, (giving it it's cohesion) is called Hydrogen Bonding. The positive hydrogen (and it is more positive because it's so much smaller then the oxygen, leading to uneven sharing of electrons, meaning the oxygen will pull the electrons more, making it more negative) wants to be near the negative oxygen of another water molecule.