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All atoms are generally neutral species.

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Q: Is a oxygen and hydrogen atom a positive or negative charge?
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Which water molecule has a partial positive charge?

hydrogen is partially positive and oxygen is partially negative so your answer is oxygen

What is positively and negatively charged in a water molecule?

it says oxygen acts negativw so most likely hydrogen on the bottom acts positive

Which kind of eletrical charge is found on a hydrogen atom of a polar water molecule?

a positive charge caused by a covalent bond with oxygen

Where is majority of negative charge on the water molecule?

Water molecules consist of hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules. Most of the negative charge comes from the oxygen molecules while the hydrogen molecules carry the positive charge.

What results from hydrogen being at one end of a water molecule and oxygen at the other end?

They are not attracted to each other because one is polar and one is nonpolar.

Is oxygen's charge positive or negative?

Oxygen has a negative charge.

The structure of water causes hydrogen to have a positive or negative charge?

Positive. Since the Oxygen atom has a higher electronegativity (it is more likely to draw in electrons) than the Hydrogen atoms, the electrons that are shared in the two oxygen/hydrogen bonds will move closer to the Oxygen atom. This will give the Oxygen atom a slightly positive charge and the 2 Hydrogen atoms a slighty negative charge. Because of this, a water molecule is considered polar.

What are water molecules polar with?

The oxygen atom has a slight negative charge, and the hydrogen atoms have a slight positive charge, because oxygen pulls on electrons harder than hydrogen does. Because the water molecule is not completely symmetric, this translates as a permanent dipole.

Are oxygen atoms in water molecules negatively charged?

Hydrogen is positive and Oxygen is negative.

Do polar covalent bonds have a positive or negative charge?

Both. One side is positive while the other is negative. Taking H2O as an example, the hydrogen molecule pulls the shared electrons closer to itself, and further away from the two Oxygen molecules. This gives the Oxygen side of the H2O molecule a positive charge and the Hydrogen side a negative charge.

The oxygen atom in a water molecule has a slight negative charge?

Yes, and the hydrogen atoms carry a slight positive charge.

Why do carbohydrates dissolve so easily in water?

Water is a polar molecule, meaning that the hydrogen end has a negative charge, while the oxygen end has a positive charge. When other polar molecules are exposed to these charges they split apart. In salt the sodium has a positive charge that is attracted to the hydrogen's negative charge, and a the chloride has a negative charge that is attracted to oxygen's positive charge.