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Q: How many metaphase alignments are possible in humans?
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Related questions

How many chromosomes are at the metaphase II equator?

There are two chromosome that are at the metaphase II equator. Chromosomes are already duplicated and are homologous pairs in Metaphase II.

How many chromosomes are in metaphase?

Metaphase I or Metaphase II? In metaphase I it would have 24. In metaphase II it would have 6.

How many cells do metaphase have?

Well, considering metaphase is a stage of cell mitosis (division), I would say metaphase has one cell. Telophase is the last stage of mitosis, in which the cell finally splits.

How many syllables does the word Metaphase have?

it has three: met - a - phase

Do Humans live in the wetlands?

it is physically possible for humans to live in the wetlands, although, because of the moist environment, many humans choose not to. there are many alligators and swamp-animals which are not friendly toward humans, so you wont find humans living there.

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It is possible for humans to eat crows but it is not very common. many people do soot/kill them but do not eat them.

How many chromosomes are at each pole of the cell?

the answer is 3

How is it possible to be 27 and born in 1979?

if you are talking about humans, this is an impossibility, there are many of those in the world, this is one of them.

If the chromosomes number for a chimp is 48 how many dyads will it have in a somatic cell in metaphase?


How many cell division in mitosis in mitosis?

1 splits in two

Why is colchicine used for preparing a metaphase spread?

Colchicine is a drug that prevents tubulin polymerisation into cytoskeleton structures called microtubules. Microtubules are essential for many functions of the cell, but importantly are needed for cell division. Specifically, they help align homologous chromosomes on the metaphase plate during metaphase and then separate the chromosome pairs during anaphase. So by inhibiting the production of microtubules, the chromosomes never align on the metaphase plate - they will be fully condensed but spread throughout the cell, a situation called a metaphase spread

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