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Q: How many methods can you use to copy and paste text in Microsoft Word?
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Related questions

What is something you can copy and paste on?

you can copy and paste on Microsoft word 2007 or 2003

How do you copy a figure from Microsoft word document to notepad?

copy and paste it

Can you copy and paste with the Microsoft Word free trial?

Yes. Copy and paste is a function of Windows, not just MS Word.

What do you use to copy and paste pictures on?

Microsoft Word

How do you paste Hindi words in Microsoft office word 2007?

just copy and paste it

How do you transfer an image from gimp 2 to microsoft word?

copy. paste.

How do you copy a flowchart from the raptor program and paste it in a Microsoft word document?

As Microsoft Word is more leters and words it may not be the best way to do flowcharts in. If you choise to put a picture of a flowchart in Word then is should be a simple matter of copy and paste

Can you copy article first into notepad or Microsoft Word and then into blog?

Why, yes you can, just copy the article, paste in Word and then Copy from there and paste on to your blog... you will find the Copy paste etc. buttons on the right click menu! Happy Blogging !

What site can you print out Eye of the Tiger?

Copy and paste the lyrics onto Microsoft Word.

How do you send a picture from Google to Microsoft Word?

you need to right click and click copy. then go to word and paste it

Is copy and paste to Microsoft Word FREE?

If you have a legal (paid for) installation of MS Word you do not have to pay any more if you copy text OR images into a document.

What is copy and paste action?

Copy and paste is when you want a sentence, word, quote, picture, or something like that and make a copy of it in Microsoft Word, or Powerpoint. or in the notebook. Defenitions: Copy: 1. an imitation, reproduction, or transcript of an original make a copy of; transcribe; reproduce