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Q: How many mg of caffeine should a 200 pound person consume?
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How many calories should a 180 pound man consume?


How many cups of coffee would a 180 pound person have to ingest to get the ld50 for caffeine if coffee has 100 mg of caffeine per 6 ounces?

79 cups

How many calories should a 5'10 173 pound person eat if they want to lose 20 pounds?

You would have to consume 1200 calories and do regular exercises to lose the weight you desire

How many calories do you consume if you eat a pound of your own body fat?

You consume about 3,500 calories in 1 pound of your own body fat.

How do you gain 1 pound in 5 minutes?

Consume a pound of food and drink.

How many carbohydrates should a 15 year old 235 pound male consume in one day?

only one because if you consume more then ine you die likt a bith you are.

How many calories a day does a 265 pound man have to comsume to loose 45 pounds?

You should consume seven calories per pound to lose weight, so 1655 calories per day.

What should you eat and do in a week to lose a pound?

You should eat healthy and well balanced diet and exercise daily. I exercise daily for 30 minutes and burn 350 calories per day. Also, I consume 400 calories less than the usual calorie intake. This way if you consume 3500 calories less per week, you will loose a pound.

How many calories should a 6 foot tall 200 pound male consume daily?

It depends on what weight you want to be at, your activity level and your age.

How many calories does a pound equal?

3,500 more than you consume on a dialy average.

Is it possible to gain a pound a day?

If you consume 3,500 calories then yeah

What is the lethal dose of caffeine?

It would take 12,107.06 milligrams of caffeine to kill a 180 pound man.