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ummm....make an experement..

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Q: How many mice would it take equal a cow in size?
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This really depends on the size of the individual weasel and the proportion of the diet that is mice. It can be anywhere from 50 to more than 300! They do regulate the populations of mice in some habitats so it would be a sizable proportion of the number of mice that are born.

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In the wild, they eat toads and frogs, usually in captivity they would eat mice. Depending on the snake's size there is a certain size of mice they have to eat. Some examples are pinky mice and fuzzies. Hope this helps.

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The size of Earth equals to 12,756 kilometers while Mercury's size is 4879 kilometers. Around 2.6 Mercuries would fit into Earth.

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a teaspoon of average size would be around 3G.

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Mars is a little over half the size of Earth.

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The number of chicken tenders that equal one chicken breast depend on the size of the tenders. It would take about 3 to 4 medium size tenders to equal one breast.

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In order to answer this I will need more information. I would need to know the size of each pill.

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The number of chicken thighs that would equal out to one pound will depend on the size of the thighs. On average, there are 5-6 thighs in a pound.