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Q: How many earths would it take to equal the size of the sun?
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The size of Pluto equal to how many earth?

In volume, 0.0059 Earths. See related link.

Which planet is equal in size to about 63 earths?

Jupiter or Saturn. i think its Jupiter thousands and thousands of earths can fit into the sun....venus is close to the size of esarth also

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ummm....make an experement..

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the earths orbit because the earths orbit is the size of earth + the size of the moon

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About one as they are practically the same size.

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depends on the size of the track

How many earths would it take to equal the diameter of earth?

Jupiter's diameter = 11.21 x Earths (142,984km). That does not sound much, but we are just talking about one dimension here. If the volumes are compared, the size difference in the one dimension is cubed, giving Jupiters volume around 1400 times the volume of earth (actually nearer to 1320 time Earths volume due to Jupiter being a `squashed sphere`).

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The size of Earth equals to 12,756 kilometers while Mercury's size is 4879 kilometers. Around 2.6 Mercuries would fit into Earth.

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a teaspoon of average size would be around 3G.

How many earths diameter would fit in a star?

actually, there is no definite answer. As time goes on as a star's life, the star will gradually increase in size until it expands to maximum size. Then, the star will start to shrink smaller and smaller, so there is always a different number of earths in a star.

How many mars would it take to equal earth?

Mars is a little over half the size of Earth.