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72 ft, 116m, or 3 fortnights.

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Q: How many miles away from the sun can you get in a space ship without burning?
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How close can a space vehicle get to the sun without melting?

exactly -1.23454345432554352 miles away to be exact.....

Where is Xena in outer space?

It is 1,735,234,712,7034,123,592,654 miles away

Which country is the country closest to the US without bordering it?

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How far away is the space shuttle from the earth?

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How do space observatories work?

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What can't be seen on earth?

people in space and things billions of miles away from the earth.

What defines outer space?

The Earth's atmosphere gets progressively thinner at higher altitudes, and runs out completely at about 200 miles up, which is where outer space begins. Outer space is surprisingly close; only 200 miles away.

From How far away can space shuttle launch been seen?

We just watched the space shuttle launch from Largo, Florida. It's 138 miles away and we saw it very well in early twilight.

How did they get to heaven?

people go to heaven by their soul. They travell miles away from space but it will be impossible to go there if you are alive.

Any space missions to Pluto?

No, we are working on getting to Mars. Pluto is several trillions of miles away