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Q: How many molecules of H2O are in 54.3 g H2O?
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How many molecules of H2O are there in 1.0 g of H2O?


How many molecules are in 6.9 g H2O?

The number of molecules is 2,308.10e23.

How much water in grams can be made from 1.95 and times 1024 hydrogen molecules Answer in units of g.?

2H2 + O2 ==> 2H2O1.95x10^24 H2 molecules x 2 molecules H2O/2 molecules H2 x 1 mole H2O/6.02x10^23 molecules = 3.24 moles H2O x 18 g/mole = 58.3 g H2O

How many molecules of water is present in 10 ml of water?

Assuming a density of 1.0 g/ml for water, then 10 ml H2O = 10 g10 g H2O x 1 mol/18 g = 0.5555 moles H2O0.5555 moles x 6.02x10^23 molecules/mole = 3.34x10^23 molecules of H2O in 10 ml

How many molecules of water are present in 36.0 g of H2O?

36 g (6.02 x 1023 at / 12.01 g) = 1.8 x 1024atoms

How many molecules are present in 17.0 moll of water?

To find this out you simply times 17 by avogadros number 17mol H2O X 6.022x10^23 molecules of anything/mol of anything mols cancel and you are left in molecules of H2O the answer is 1.024x10^25 molecules H2O

How many molecules of water are there in 12g of ice?

[10.0(g) / 18.0(g/mol H2O)] * 6.02.10+23(molecules/mol) = 3.34.10+23 molecules in 10 g of H2O(never mind the physical state: solid, liquid, vapor; it's all 10.0 grams of it)

How many moles of water molecules h2o are present in a 27 rams sample of water?

Divide mass of 27 g H2O by its molar mass of 18.0 g.mol−1 H2O and you get the number of moles: 1.5 mole H2O

How many molecules are there in 95.2 g of water?

95.2 grams water (1 mole H2O/18.016 grams)(6.022 X 10^23/1 mole H2O) = 3.18 X 10^24 molecules of water

How many atoms are in 4h2o?

Atomic mass- 1.01Formula- grams × (6.02 × 1023) / atomic mass = number of atoms1.00 grams H × (6.02 × 1023) / 1.01 grams = 5.96 × 1023 atoms of hydrogen

How many water molecules are in a block of ice containing 1.00 mol of water (H2O)?

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How many moles of H2O are there in 1.0 g of H2O?

0.056 mole