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Monks are not very common in the United States with more residing in European countries in old medieval monasteries. But all around the world, the number of active monks or nuns in the brother/sisterhood is decreasing at an alarming rate.

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monks don't but i don't know about nuns That answer is wrong to a degree. Monks as well as sisters, are allowed to see their families. God wouldn't ask us to shun our families. Certain vows that monks take will limit their time with their families.

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Medieval Monks spread Christianity by many different techniques. Now, if you are talking about Medieval Monks in Europe, then they spread Christianity by telling others mostly. There is a website all about Medieval Monks below.

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How do you search on the Internet for statistics on the population of monks and nuns in the US?

1. go to: 2. type in the search bar: statistics on the population of monks and nuns in the US 3. click search 4. (I think you can handle the rest!)

A Name for monks in 1066?

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