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1804 to 1805

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Q: How many months did Lewis and Clark spend near the Indian camp during the 1st winter?
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Where did the Lewis and Clark expedition stay during the second winter?

In a Indian Camp

What fort did Lewis and Clark stay in during the first winter?

Fort Mandan

What was the first winter like during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Almost starve

When did Lewis and clark go to fort mandan?

Lewis and Clark went to the Mandan-Hidatsa Indian villages on 25 October 1804, where they spent the winter. (

Any ideas for the letter N in an ABC book on Lewis and Clark?

Nez Perce they were the tribe that helped Lewis and Clark after they crossed the Rocky Mountains during winter

Where did Lewis and Clark spend the winter?

they spent the winter at the mountains.

What did the mandan Indians do for Lewis and clark?

The Mandan Indians provided Lewis and Clark with vital information about the western territories, including geography, resources, and potential threats. They also offered valuable assistance in guiding the expedition, providing supplies, and trading goods with the explorers. Additionally, the Mandan people helped the expedition by offering shelter and support during the winter months.

Where was Lewis and clark's winter camp?

In Camp Wood, Fort Catosp and Fort Mandan were some tribes Lewis and Clark stayed with for the winter?

Lewis nor Clark had experience dealing with Indians?

Actually they did. Lewis was a veteran of Indian wars and Clark was a skilled Indian fighter.

What was the name of the camp in Oregon Lewis and Clark established to winter in?

Lewis and Clark camp

What Indian tribes helped Lewis and Clark in the winter?

Supposedly the Shoshone Indians were the ones that let Lewis and Clark stay during the long cold winter months and probably the ones that sold them horses before they went to the St. Lawrence R. I believe that the Lewis and Clark expedition wintered at the Mandan Village. If memory serves the Shoshone connection was Sacogawea. The expedition may have gotten horses from the Nez Pierce. In regard to the Journals of the expedition there is a nice version edited by Bernard de Voto that used to be available in paperback. I am certain that the expedition went to the Columbia River. The most well known Saint Lawrence River (there may be others) begins at the eastern end of Lake Ontario and disgorges into the Atlantic Ocean.

What Indian woman translated the Indian language for the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
