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Q: How many more women than men vegetarians are there in the UK?
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How many vegetarians are there in Finland?

328, only one more than in England. I also counted.

Do vegetarians have a higher RDI for iron than non vegetarians?

Yes. Vegetarians have an RDA for iron 1.8 times that for non-vegetarians. Specifically, vegetarian women 19-50 years old need 32mg/day compared to the 18mg/day RDA for non-vegetarian women of the same age range.

Do Vegetarians eat healthier?

Vegetarians typically get up to 100% more fiber and up to 50% less cholesterol from food than non-vegetarians

Why do meat eaters get constipation more than vegetarians?

Meat doesn't have fiber in it. Vegetarians eat foods high in fiber.

Do Americans eat red meat?

Most tend to, yes. More women tend to be vegetarians / vegens than men, and women tend to be on diets more than men (red meat is high in calories, so it is often limited or cut out of many diets).

Do vegetarians produce more poop than meat-eaters?

Not necessarily, no.

Do vegetarians have more iron deficiencies than meat eaters?


Do vegetarians tend to eat more than do non-vegetarians?

I need to eat more food as a vegetarianbecause vegetarian food tends to have less calories, fat and protein.

Do vegetarians produce most carbon dioxide?

No, meat eaters are responsible for more carbon dioxide than vegetarians. Cattle belch a lot of methane, which is a greenhouse gas more powerful than carbon dioxide.

Are non vegetarians healthy?

yes, but if they eat too much meat and junk food then no.Answer:Non vegetarians are actual sometimes more healthy than vegetarians because meat provides needed proteins.

How many women have flown to orbit as nasa astronauts?

More than 40 women

How many women are in the house of reps?

There are 1,5500 women in that house.