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Ronald Reagan was in 53 movies. F.Cason

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Q: How many movies did Ronald Reagan make?
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How many movies did Nancy Davis and Ronald Reagan make together?

Ronald Reagan did not make any movies with his second wife Nancy Davis. However, in 1938 Ronald Reagan did co-star with actress Jane Wyman, his first wife, in the film Brother Rat.

How many kids does Ronald Reagan have?

Ronald Reagan has 1 child

How many children does Ronald Reagan have?

Ronald Reagan has 1 child

Did Ronald Reagan have any other jobs?

Ronald Reagan worked as a football game announcer. Ronald also was a staff announcer for a radio station. After his radio jobs, Ronald became an actor. Ronald was in movies with many famous actors.

Who was Ronald Reagan's wife and how many kids did they have?

Ronald Reagan's wife was Nancy Reagan. They had two children together, named Patti Davis and Ronald Prescott Reagan.

Which president had worked as an actor?

Ronald Reagan was a leading man in movies and worked in TV for many years before he was president.

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Which president was a previously an actor?

Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan had been a reasonably successful actor prior to becoming President of the US. However, it wasn't his first political office; he had also been governor of California, and while it wasn't exactly public office, he served as president of the Screen Actors' Guild for many years.

How many children did Ronald Reagen have?

Ronald Reagan had Five children he had three with his first wife Jane they were Maureen Reagan Christine Reagan Michael Reagan which they adopted He also had two with Nancy they were Patti Davis Ron Reagan

How many pets did Ronald Reagan have in childhood?


How many years did Reagan be president?

Ronald Reagan was President for 8 years, 1981 - 1989.

How many husbands did Nancy Reagan have?

Nancy was only married one time and that was to Ronald Reagan.