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You would need about 14 muscles to sneeze.

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Q: How many muscles does it take to sneeze?
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Is it normal for girls to pee when they sneeze?

any one can wee when they sneeze, its all about strengthening your bowel muscles !

Can you pull a rib muscle by sneezing?

Sneezing activates the pharyngeal and tracheal muscles involving the face, throat, and chest muscles. The sneeze reflex involves contraction of a number of different muscles and muscle groups throughout the body, typically including the eyelids. You can strain any muscle.

When you sneeze do you use every muscle in your body?

intercostal muscles..... they are located under the ribs

How many muscles does it take to write your name?

25 Muscles

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over 200 muscles

Does it take more muscles to swim or smile?

You take very few muscles to smile and many more muscles are used when you swim.

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Four muscles.

Why does your body ache after you sneeze?

When you sneeze, it takes all of the strength of your diaphragm. It is one of the only times when the full strength of the diaphragm is actually used. It also requires support from your abdominal muscles and perenial muscles, which help to give the diaphragm support and "leverage" for lack of a better word. A sneeze usually comes out around 100 miles an hour. This takes an enormous amount of strength. This can cause the muscles in your perineum to ache afterwards, especially if you have just had an orgasm or done anything else that uses those muscles. Try kegel excersizes to prevent this by strengthening these muscles: Wikipedia page on sneezing (be sure to check the discussion page): -DJ Craig

How many muscles does it take to CRY?

49 muscles to cry, 12 muscles to smile and 6 muscles to slap

How many muscles does it take to blink an eye?

Over 200 muscles are used!

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there are 36 muscles in a run mile

How many muscles does it take to flown?