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Q: How many of Denmark and 8000 Jews were able to escape to safety?
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How many Jews did Hitler take from Denmark?

The Nazis were only able to kill 52 out of 8000 Denmark Jews. This was because the Denmark government sent them to Neutral Sweden.

Why was it important to the evacuation of the Jews from denmark?

Plain and simple, the safety of the Demark Jews

How many Jews got out of Denmark?

Out of 8000 jews, more than 7000 were smuggled to Sweden. About 450 were sent to concentration camps, and none were sent to extermination camps. All in all 102 Danish Jews died during the Holocaust

Why did Jewish authorities want to get rid of the Jews?

they wanted them to escape to safety before the Germans arrived.

Who will guard the Denmark's Jewish In the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

In the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, a character named Peter Neilsen, a member of the Danish Resistance, helps to protect the Jewish citizens of Denmark by helping them escape to safety. He plays a significant role in coordinating the rescue efforts and ensuring the safety of the Jewish people.

Why did Hitler invade Denmark?

I belive Hitler invaded denmark because he thought all Jews were bad and deserved to be killed and hurt-plus in denmark there were a lot of Jews.

How many denmark Jews died in consontration camps?

5,962,129 Jews were killed and or had diedI know 2 very good books centering in Nazi Germany during the holocaust, Milkweed and Book Thief I know this is off topic but i felt like sharing this :P

Did Sweden welcome Jews in the 1930s and 1940s?

Raoul Wallenberg and Count Folke Bernadotte saved over 100.000 European Jews from concentration camps, the king Gustav V attempted to negotiate with Hitler to treat Jews more "humanely". Nearly all of the Jews in Denmark managed to escape to Sweden, so the answer would be yes.

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King of Denmark during the Holocaust?

Christian X was king of Denmark during the holocaust. Although Denmark had a relatively low population of Jews, the government and citizen strongly supported them. Despite the Germans push in Denmark, the Danes were able to successfully save a vast majority of Denmark's Jewish population.