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The Nazis were only able to kill 52 out of 8000 Denmark Jews. This was because the Denmark government sent them to Neutral Sweden.

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Q: How many Jews did Hitler take from Denmark?
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How many people did Hitler take from Denmark?

If you mean Jews then he onlt took 52.

How many jews does it take to kill hitler?

Hitler is already dead.

What were Adolf Hitler's aggressive actions?

Hitler tried to take over the world and slaughtered many innocent Jews.

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Yes, Hitler did hate jews!

How long did it take Hitler to take Poland Denmark and Norway?

1,000,000 days and nights

What demilitarized territory did Hitler take over?

The Jews

Why did Hitler take out his anger out on Jews?

Jews have been used as scapegoats for centuries because they didn't have a country or a whole area which is for Jews. Hitler blamed the Jews for everything which is bad for Germany. This is called Antisemitism

Who's life did Hitler take?

he took the lives of Jews.

Did Hitler only take or kill the Jews?

No, he killed Gypsies, homosexuals and many other types of what was termed " undesirables. "

How did the Jews take Adolf Hitler's reasoning for wiping them out?

Jews fundamentally disagreed (and continue to disagree) with the incendiary arguments that Hitler used to demean and dehumanize them. Many were angry and many more were fearful. Others thought that nothing would come of Hitler since Germany had previously been one of the most Jew-tolerant countries; unfortunately, these Jews were very wrong.

How did king christian x saved the Jews?

Denmark's King Christian X and the underground resistance movement worked hard to get Jews out of Denmark to Sweden. They also sabotaged the German's efforts to take the Jews to the concentration camps.

Why did Adolf Hitler choose the Jews to isolate?

because Hitler though that the Jews were an inferior race , that they were trying to take over Germany, that the Jews killed Jesus, that the Jews were an undesirable race and because when Hitler mother was working for a Jew family they mistreated her