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Q: How many oxygen are shared between the tetrahedra of a sheet silicate mineral?
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Which silicate mineral group has a double chain silicate?

A silicate mineral that shares it's oxygen atom with another silica tetrahedron, forming a chain of tetrahedra. Single chain silicates include a group called the pyroxenes.

What does tectosilicate mean?

It is a type of silicates in which all four oxygen atoms of the silicate tetrahedra are shared with neighboring tetrahedra.

The building blocks of the silicate minerals is called the what?

Silicate tetrahedra. The tetrahedra are spanned by oxigen atoms, and right in the middle, there is a silicon atom. The chemical formula for one silicate tetrahedron is SiO4 The actual rate between silicon and oxigen can change as the tetrahedra are linked together, as different tetrahedra can share an oxigen atom with eachother.

What is the difference between silicate and nonsilicate mineral?

Non-silicate minerals don't contain silicon and oxygen in tandem; silicate minerals do.

What mineral contains silicon and oxygen?

A nonsilicate mineral.

What is a mineral silicate?

A silicate mineral is a mineral that contains both silica and oxygen. They make up about 95 percent of the Earth's surface.

What mineral that contains oxygen and silicon?


What must contain a silicate mineral?

Silicate is literally Silicon and Oxygen. To be a silicate, therefore, a mineral must contain SiO2. The classic Silicate is Quartz, which is pure SiO2.

What type of mineral contains oxygen and silicon?

Silicate is the mineral made of silicon and oxygen.

What is the most abundant mineral group in earths crust?


How can you recognize a silicate mineral from its chemical formula?

A silicate mineral contains silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) which will be shown in the formula.

Is a diamond a silicate or non siliicate mineral?

a non silicate mineral because the only element in it is carbon not oxygen or silicon