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the answer to this question is idk but the answer to how many parts do a eukaryotic cell has it is 15 and it has 4 main parts this a true answer just becaues im 15 years of age and know this doesnt mean i dont know how many parst are on a eukaryotic cell so ther is the answer to a question that was never aske to begain with so now i have to get back to my work for Biology ao peace out suckers oh and the person that answer you question is

Carollynn Jo Gates

i go to centennial high school in burleson Texas made on 11-11-11 at 9:30 AM

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Q: How many parts does a prokaryotic cell have?
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Is cell membrane a prokaryotic?

In order for a cell to be prokaryotic, it must NOTcontain a nucleus. Parts of the cell, like the membrane, cannot be prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The cell as a whole is either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

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What does prokaryotic and eukaryotic mean?

A prokaryotic cell is normally a bacteria. A prokaryotic cell does not have a membrane around it's nucleus, it has loops of DNA free in its cytoplasm. A eukaryotic cell is any cell with many organelles (other parts which help it function) and a membrane-bound nucleus. The nucleus is the key difference- if it has a membrane, it is Eukaryotic/a Eukaryote. If not, it is Prokaryotic/a Prokaryote.

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prokaryotic cell

Cell that do not have nucleus?

prokaryotic cells

What is a cell lacking nucleus?

A prokaryotic cell (e.g. a bacterial cell).

What 3 main cell parts do prokaryotic and eukariyotic have in comin?

There are severl comparments.Some are cell membrane,cell wall,ribosomes,cytoplasm etc

What cell parts does a prokaryotic cell contain?

DNA and go to parrmr on and go to the DNA song by Bruno Mars

What is a part of a prokaryotic cell?

A cell without a nucleus is called prokaryotic cell.

Is a cell with no nucleus called a prokaryotic cell?

no the prokaryotic cell also has nuclues

Are Giardia prokaryotic cell or eukaryotic cell?


Is bacterial a prokaryotic cell or eukaryotic cell?

It's prokaryotic