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The US Census does not collect data on sexuality; however, according to a recent study by the Williams Institute at the University of California, 11% of the adult population has engaged in same-sex sexual behavior, but only 3.5% of the population identifies as being lesbian, gay, or bi-sexual.

As homosexuals are still persecuted in the United States, it is likely that most of the 11% who engaged in same-sex sexual behavior are gay or bisexual but have chosen to not identify as homosexual in order to conform to cultural pressure.

For this reason, it is likely that about 1 out of 10 people are gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

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Mossie Lueilwitz

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2y ago
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12y ago

The US Census does not collect data on sexuality; however, according to a recent study by the Williams Institute at the University of California, 11% of the adult population has engaged in same-sex sexual behavior, but only 3.5% of the population identifies as being lesbian, gay, or bi-sexual.

As homosexuals are still persecuted in the United States, it is likely that most of the 11% who engaged in same-sex sexual behavior are gay or bisexual but have chosen to not identify as homosexual in order to conform to cultural pressure.

For this reason, it is likely that about 1 out of 10 people are gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

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On a scale out of ten how many are gay?

Dr Alfred Kinsey's reports show that 1 in 10 people are gay. That means 10% of the population are gay.

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Research by Dr Alfred Kinsey shows that 10% of people around the world are gay. This means that as a fraction, 1/10 (1 in 10 people) are gay.

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Taking into account the "10% theory" as developed by Dr Alfred Kinsey, there are around 450,000 gay people in New Zealand. This is 10% of the New Zealand population (4.5 million people).

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There aren't many gay people. Only about 3% to 8% of the population is gay.

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The same percentage as that of the general population -- roughly 1 to 10 percent, depending on exactly how you define"gay."

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Somewhere between 4% and 10% of all people are gay. It doesn't vary by ethnicity.

How many gay Americans are there?

8,562 people are gay.

How many gay people are in England?

Nobody knows for sure how many but in most societies the average is assessed to be 10% of the total number. Say for instance England has 50 million people then according to the sum 5 million would be gay.

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Gay People typically do not marry Straight People.

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People can be gay. There are many gay people in the world.