

How many people are writing Nancy Drew?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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don't know but check out this link to see

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The author of Nancy drew is she dead?

Carolyn Keene, the author of the first 23 Nancy Drew books, died in 2002. Due to the fact that millions enjoyed the book series, a group of ghostwriters were brought in to continue the series.

How many Nancy drew games are there?

There are 37 Nancy Drew video games.

Who is Nancy drew in the series?

Nancy in the Nancy Drew series is a amateur detective who solves many diffrent mysteries!

How many movies are there about Nancy drew?

* Nancy Drew Movie(Emma Roberts came out in 2007) * Nancy Drew....... Reporter(1939) * Nancy Drew Hidden Staircase(1939) * Nancy Drew Detective(1938) * Nancy Drew Trouble Shooter(1939) (There is also a television movie that came out in 2002 NancyDrew)

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"Carolyn Keene" is actually a pseudonym used by multiple authors who contributed to the Nancy Drew series. Over 100 books in the original Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series were published under this name.

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There's 150 paged is Nancy Drew False Notes

Who is Nancy's aunt in Nancy Drew?

Eloise Drew. She lives in New York and has helped Nancy in many cases, even has supplied her with a few mysterys. She is Nancy's dad's sister.

Who is Caroline keene?

"Carolyn Keene" is a pseudonym used by various authors who have written the Nancy Drew mystery books. The most well-known author to use this pseudonym was Mildred Wirt Benson, who penned many of the original Nancy Drew stories.

How many original Nancy drew books are there?

There are 56 original Nancy Drew mystery books written by Carolyn Keene published between 1930 and 1979.

Who really wrote Nancy drew?

The Nancy Drew series was created by publisher Edward Stratemeyer and written by a variety of ghostwriters under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. Mildred Wirt Benson, aka Carolyn Keene, is credited with writing many of the early Nancy Drew books.

How many Nancy drew PC games are there?

There are 21 Nancy Drew PC games from Her Interactive in total, with the 22nd coming out this June. However, even thought there are 21 Nancy Drew PC Games, there are 24 Nancy drew games in total, because three games have been made for different platforms (Gameboy Advance, DVD, and Nintendo Wii.)

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There is one season of "The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries," which aired in 1977-1979.