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The Inland Taipan is the world's most venomous land snake. It's venom is 200-400 times more powerful than that of rattlesnake venom, and is 50 times more potent than that of cobra venom. The snake delivers enough of its' venom in one bite to kill 250,000 mice or 100 adult humans. The normal amount of venom delievered is 44 mg; the largest recorded dose delivered was 110 mg. With that in mind, it takes a mere 0.03 mg to kill a mouse; such massive venom delivery ensures death to the desired prey. The venom is so toxic that it can kill an adult human within 45 minutes! It should be noted that there have been no recorded deaths in humans from an Inland Taipan bite. This snake is also known as the Fierce Snake, and inhabits the lands of Australia.

In direct answer to the question, the snake can actually only eat one mouse at a time; no snake can consume more than one prey item per time, never trying to swallow two mice at once. But, eating one meal at a time doesn't mean that the bite it delivered to the mouse it consumes couldn't have easily killed all the mice in the dead mice's family as well since again, 250,000 mice could die from the venom delivered by one bite from the snake.

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The exact number of people a single bite could kill is unknown, as is the actual toxicity to humans. Apparently, the coastal taipan is considered the third most venemous land dwelling snake in the world, and produces both hemotoxins and neurotoxins. Before the invention of antivenin, everyone bitten by a coastal taipan died. Bite victims today must receive anitvenin immediately, and even then require potentially weeks of intensive care to survive.

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Q: How many people can a coastal taipan kill in one bite?
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How long does it take for an inland taipan snakes venom to kill you?

The Inland Taipan venom would kill a grown man in 45 minutes.

What is the world's most venomous land snake?

The Inland Taipan, also known as the Fierce Snake, has the most toxic venom of all the world's land snakes. The maximum survival time recorded after a Taipan's bite is not more than one hour. The Taipan has three major sub-species: the Western or Inland Taipan ( Oxyuranus Microlepidotus ) or ( Fierce Snake ) , Papuan Taipan ( Oxyuranus s. canni ) and Common or Coastal Taipan ( Oxyuranus Scutellatus ). The Inland Taipan is much more toxic than Oxyuranus Scutellatus and Oxyuranus S. Canni. The maximum yield recorded (from a single bite of Inland Taipan) is 110mg. Just a few mg of Inland Taipan's venom is enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice. Australia's Western or Inland Taipan or Fierce Snake is the world's most toxic venomous snake. (Ranked No.1) (see the related link below) (see the related questions on snakes in general)

How long does it take a inland tapian to kill you?

An inland taipan's venom is one of the most toxic of any snake, but a full bite can potentially kill a human within 45 minutes to an hour if left untreated. It is crucial to seek medical attention immediately in the event of a bite.

How does the Inland Taipan protect itself?

the inland taipan has two very large fangs that inject a neurotoxin that will kill a victim with out an antivenom

Why is the TAIPAN called the fierce snake?

Because if you get any where near it it tries to kill you

Can an inland taipan kill a grown man?

yes, they can get quite fearsome at times.

Can mosquitos kill people?

a mosquito does not bite dead people unless they are recently passed. the blood has to be flowing for a mosquito to bite.

Will a hamster kill people if they bite?

lol no. just wash the bite so it doesnt become infected.

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No. While copperheads are dangerous, a bite from one is unlikely to kill you, though it can still cause serious harm. In terms of its potency, the deadliest snake is the inland taipan, native to east central Australia.

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Yes, the snake head can kill people because it has a deadly bite and is a very aggressive fish.

Does dogs can kill people?

yes they can. because they can bite your head off.

Who Would Win A Taipan Or A Russell's Viper?

The Taipan Wins Because It Is The Most Venomous Snake In The World. And Also, The Taipan Is Quicker And More Sly. So, If The Russel's Viper Was Slivering Along. And A Taipan Came Around, The Taipan Will Come Very Quickly And Kill It. NOTE: They Don't Meet. I'm A Giving A Scenario.