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The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft- the Devil's magic- and 20 were executed.

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24 people died

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Q: How many witches died in the Salem Witch Trials?
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What is justice in Salem witch trials?

There was no justice in the Salem witch trials. Innocent men and women died because of people's fears.

Where did many executions of the Salem witch trials occur?

In Salem, Massachusetts in America. 21 died.

How many people were killed during Salem witch trials?

During the Salem Witch Trials in Salem Massachusetts in 1692, 19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death and as many as 13 died in prison.

How many people and animals died in the Salem witch trials?

Combined, twenty-four people died via execution or died while in prison. Two dogs were killed by townsfolk that believed they were witches' familiars.

How was the Salem witch trials and the holocaust the same?

People died unfairly in both. :(

How many people died in the Salam Witch Trials?

The Salem witchcraft trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. 140 were accused, 20 were killed.

What was the method of execution for convicted witches in the Salem witch trials?

the accusers would strip the man or woman and observe their body, looking for any unusual mole or freckle. This could be enough to make you a witch. Also, they would strip the man or woman, tie them up, and throw them in a body of water. If you sank, you weren't a witch, if you floated you were a witch. Either way, you were doomed. EDIT: Great explanation. It would be perfect if the question was about European witch hunts and witch tests. During the Salem Witch Trials, the convicted "witches" were hanged.

Did the Salem witch hunt only include women?

No 14 women and five men were hanged as witches before the trials where over. Several others died in prison or were lynched by angry mobs after their release..

What is an 1600 witch?

A dead witch. In 1692, there were the Salem Witch Trials, and I must say that an awful lot of women were burned, both innocent and guilty, because they were accused of witchcraft simply because they could heal people that (male) doctors couldn't. People have always been afraid of things they know nothing of, and that's why witches in the 1600s were feared above most else. EDIT: First, in Protestant England and America, witches were hanged. Second, only 14 women died in the Salem Trials. Third, Every victim of the Salem panic was innocent.

Who were executed during the Salem Witch Trials?

The Salem witch trials happened during the year 1692, the first to be executed was Bridget Bishop. In total 19 people were killed after being found guilty of witch craft, this is not counting the many people that they suspected died in jail.

How many lives did the Salem witch trials claim?

20 were executed and between 4-13 died in prison.

Did Salem witches kill people?

There were no real witches in salem.