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Many people have diploma's.A large amount of people have diploma's in order to work in our hospital's and government office. Diploma's are very important to our career. Because with out one it is said you wont succeed.

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10y ago
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11y ago

Unfortunately, no statistics are currently available for those who have received a high school diploma online. The National Center of Education Statistics, which is a department within the Federal government, does keep statistics for online graduates. Currently, their statistics only include traditional on campus or home school graduates, and is only current as of the year 2010. Part of this is due to the various states having different requirements and exit exams.

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11y ago
  • 80% of African Americans over age 25 have a high school diploma.
  • Only 47 Percent of black males graduate from high school.
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11y ago

About 39 million people over the age of 18 do not have a high school diploma and about 3 million more drop out every year.

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11y ago

The answer depends on what region it is about.

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If you mean Texas Tech, you need to contact them and ask which, if any, online high school diplomas are acceptable. There are many of them that are not generally accepted by any school or employer.

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K12 online school diplomas are only valid when they come from an accredited home school program.

Where can I inquire anything about accredited high school diploma online?

There are many websites, such as and that offer accredited high school diplomas. These diplomas can be earned by doing course work online rather than in person at a school.

What colleges accept Southeastern High school online diplomas?

none! sadly

What is the other name for a high school diploma?

There are no other names for high school diplomas other than GED (General Educational Development) which generally test people across 4 subjects such as mathematics and reading.

What is the fastest way to earn accredited high school diplomas at home?

It's usually necessary to go to High School to get a real High School diplomas. However you can check out sites like for more information. You can be home schooled by your parents to obtain your diploma. You can also attend classes at

I know a few people who did not get their high school diplomas, will they still be able to get a high paying job?

They are less likely to get a high paying job without a high school degree. The average salary for a high school drop out is 20k/year, while the average salary of a high school graduate is 26k/year. People without high school diplomas can find high paying work, but it may not be a traditional job. In general, they will have more success opening their own business where they can set their own requirements. With the exception of specialized fields, there is no requirement of a high school diploma to actually DO work. However, most companies use the diploma as a minimum requirement to hire people. To get around this, someone without a high school diploma can take the risk and initiative to run his or her own business.

where can I get accredited high school diplomas at home ?

There are many online opportunities to achieve a high school diploma. A few examples are Excel High School (, Continental Academy (, and Citizens' High School (

What colleges in new jersey accept homeschool high school diplomas?

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What education or training do you need to become an great entrepreneur?

some dont need MBAs or even high school diplomas. just thought i'd let you guys in on that little piece of info..