K12 online school diplomas are only valid when they come from an accredited home school program.
Yes you can get your diploma online while living in Europe. It actually is very simple there are many online schools that are offering online high school diplomas from where ever you are and, they will also work around your busy schedule
Have a look at the side for GED... it´s equal to the high school diploma and you don´t need to go to school. GED or high school diplomas are not offered online Any online schools are not accredited and a waste of money
American Public University will accept most high school diplomas from accredited programs, including home schooling, online high schools and GEDs.
You can get a GED quickly but GED is not a high school diploma and it does not get as much value as a high school diploma. There are some online high schools that offer high school diplomas on the basis of work experience and prior learning. Beware of scam though, remember private schools need accreditation to issue a high school diploma so if this Adison high school offers an accredited diploma then you are probably safe.
PennFoster.edu offers true accredited high school diplomas online. They are very affordable and offer zero interest 'student loans' as low as $40 a month. My husband has his diploma through them and I know several others who have since gone on to college.
There are many websites, such as pennfoster.com and thelincolnhighschool.com that offer accredited high school diplomas. These diplomas can be earned by doing course work online rather than in person at a school.
Online schools need to be accredited to reward high school diploma or any other educational credentials. Lorenz is an accredited school and accredited diplomas are recognized by board of education.
www.NationHighSchool.com is the site which provide this facility. one can start Accredited High School Diploma Start Anytime. this website and high school diploma course have been so encouraging!
Highschooldiplomaonline offers a free service where high school diplomas are made available online for free. There are other sites out there that offer very similar programs.
There are many options for someone who wishes to get their high school diploma online. One such program is www.highschooldiplomasonline.net, an accredited program that offers a high-school diploma.
Online accredited high school diplomas can help you move forward whether you are planning to continue your education right away or you simply want to be able to increase the number of job opportunities that are available to you. Regardless of the reason why you did not earn your diploma by attending classes in a traditional high school - whether you are sixteen and wanted to get a jump on your career or you are older and left high school for any number of reasons - it’s not too late to earn your diploma. Of course, if you are going to pursue your diploma with internet based classes, online accredited high school diplomas are essential. Accreditation means that you are earning your diploma from a school that is every bit as legitimate as a brick and mortar high school. With online accredited high school diplomas, you can be sure that the information taught is current, up to date, and up to standards for current education requirements. Additionally, with accredited online high school diplomas, students can be sure that their instructors know the information and are qualified to present it in any classroom setting - online or off. Knowing that you’re getting the right education is crucial when you pursue online accredited high school diplomas because this is the foundation for your future. Whether you want to apply for jobs that require a high school diploma or you are thinking about furthering your education with a certificate program, an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree or something more, a diploma from an accredited program is key. Earning online accredited high school diplomas is the first step. Moving forward starts with taking a single step. Researching your options and looking into accredited high school diplomas and the schools that offer them is a great first step to take if you’re passionate about moving forward and taking steps toward reaching the career goals that you have set for yourself.
www.JMHSDiploma.com,www.belfordhighschool.com, minnesotavirtualhighschool.com are three very good online high school diploma programs. Asking questions will confirm which is best for you.