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If by "pure americans", you mean those people who were here BEFORE the "discovery" of the Americas by Christopher Columbus, then the answer varies by the actual nation. Generally speaking, these folks are referred to as "Native Americans".

Overall, there is but a tiny number of people who can claim to be 100% Native American, with most of them living in the depths of the Amazon forest in central South America. Perhaps as many as 100,000 total. Out of a total New World population of just under 1 Billion currently (for a ratio of less than 0.01%)

In the United States, less than 1% of the population can claim to have a great-grandparent of at least half-blood Native American. Canada has similar ratios.

In Central and South America, a slightly larger percentage survived, as much of the conquering Spanish and Portuguese heavily intermarried while still retaining some local culture and society. Estimates are as high as 5% of the existing Central American countries' population would fit the above definition of having Native American ancestry. In addition, the uplands and interior of the Amazon forest and Andes Mountains have enabled local tribes to avoid intermarriage, though they are slowly being overwhelmed or simply immigrating to the cities, intermarrying, and losing their identity.

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