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The vast majority of mammals, including humans, lose the ability to digest the sugar in milk after infancy. About 25% of humans (mostly of northern European descent) have a genetic mutation that allows them to continue to digest milk sugar or lactose. The rest of us (an estimated 75% of us) are lactose-intolerant as adults, including the vast majority of people who are of Asian, African, Native American, and southern European descent. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating, pain or cramps in the lower belly, gas, diarrhea, and vomiting.

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Actually, no one really knows.

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Q: How many people in the world are lactose intolerant?
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Is lactose free milk more popular than regular milk?

no because there aren't as many lactose intolerant people in the world

Can you be half lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is a misnomer. Many people are unaware of what it actually is and means. Almost everyone on the planet is lactose intolerant, it's just to what degree. The majority of adult humans don't produce the lactase enzyme needed to break down lactose. More correctly it's to what degree are you intolerant. Generally speaking, yes you could be half lactose intolerant.

What is lacked toss n tolerant?

I think you mean "lactose intolerant."Lactose is milk sugar. All small babies can digest lactose, but many people lose their ability to digest it as they get older--that is why they get sick from drinking milk. People who can still digest milk sugar as adults are "lactose tolerant"; people who cannot digest it are "lactose intolerant."

What is a lactose intolerant diet?

Lactose intolerance results from an inability in the small entrails to digest lactose. You can get so many carbohydrates or sugar in milk what's called lactose. You should avoid this.

What kind of diet should a software professional have if he is suffering from problems like gassiness and constipation?

Find out if the problem is related to milk. Many people are lactose intolerant and don't know it. Lactose is a specific type of sugar that is found in milk, and requires that we create an enzyme called Lactase before we can properly metabolize many dairy products. Just a little lactose can cause problems for someone who is lactose intolerant. If that isn

Does gluten have anything to do with being lactose intolerant?

It is related in that many celiacs are also damaged to the point that they are lactose intolerant. You may not be, and in any case, just buy lactase tablets to solve that issue.

Does being lactose intolerant mean you're normal?

It doesn't mean you're normal, but it also doesn't mean your abnormal. Lots of people are lactose intolerant, while lots aren't. It isn't anything out of the ordinary and is quite common (especially among newborns and toddlers, but many of them will outgrow the allergy).

Are large ice cream manufactures altering ice cream in the last couple of months every time your mom or you eat a little ice creare you get violently sick and neither one of us is lactose intolerant?

Ice cream manufactuers are always looking for ways to improve their product which does mean they can sometimes change their recipe to make it cheaper to make, better quality etc. Ice creams contain milk and/or cream therefore if you are lactose intolerant then you should go and see your GP. The GP can do a simple test where you drink a cup of lactose solution (tastes fairly sweet as it is milk sugar) then every 10 mins your lactose levels are tested with a machine. If your lactose levels remains quite stable for the test then it shows that your body is not breaking down lactose and that you are lactose intolerant. Being lactose intolerant is not the end of the world as there is many diffrent products that have been and are being developed for people with intoleratants to some foods.

How many cats like milk?

Most cats are lactose intolerant and should not be fed cow's milk.

Why are people lactose intolerent?

All mammals, including humans, are fed milk, by their mothers, when they are infants. all infants bodies produce an enzyme called lactase, that digests lactose, the kind of sugar found in milk. As they grow, animals and many people stop producing lactase and can no longer digest milk. they become lactose intolerant. people whose ancestors came from areas where dairy foods have long been part of the diet, such as northern and western Europe, are less likely to become lactose intolerant.

Out of 1000 people how many like cheese?

Many people like cheese because it tastes like cheese and cheese is tasty and smells good. The answer to your question is 995 out of 1000 people like cheese, because at least 5 people are lactose intolerant.

Is Barack Obama lactose intolerant?

Probably not. While many African-Americans do have problems with lactose, it has never been reported that President Obama does. And we have also seen him in photographs eating ice cream.