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40000 free and slaves 30000 free 10000 slaves

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Q: How many people lived in Sparta?
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How many people lived in Sparta in 400 bc?

Even counting its helots, Sparta's population did not come anywhere near Athens' quarter million.

How many slaves did Sparta have in 400 bc?

250,000 slaves lived in Sparta in 400 B.C.

Why do you think they lived in Athens and not in Sparta?

Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

How many boys lived in Sparta?

there are around 300 boys who live in sparta, one however has a winky

Who lived in a military barracks Athens or Sparta?


Did Athens people have plenty of food?

Yes most people who lived in Athens did have plenty of food but Sparta did not

Who Lived In Sparta?

The Spartans.

Why were there not many merchants in Sparta?

Sparta was a rural society. The city was more like a collection of villages. It lived frugally on its produce rather than on trade.

What were the three groups of people that lived in Sparta?

helots, fee noncitizens, and citizens how are either soldiers or are training soldiers

In 400 BC more people lived in Sparta than any other city state?

Sparta had taken over southern Peloponnesian Peninsula and so had a large serf population, even though its own people in Sparta itself were severely depleted by the wars of the previous 50 years.

What are the people from Sparta called?

The spartans were fierce warriors. For them, they had Brawn, not Beauty. When a baby was first born, they would test it by leaving it in the mountains over night. If it lived, then they were worthy of living in Sparta. If they died, it was shown they couldn't handle living in Sparta.

Where did the ancient Greeks live?

The ancient Greeks lived in Greece. The normal house was a courtyard with rooms around it. Most Greeks lived near the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and in southern Europe. Some citys they lived in are Athens, Sparta, and Crete. They inspired many cultures from their beliefs.