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It is not possible to know. The Bible does not tell us. We do know that everyone who believes in Jesus as their Savior has been annointed by the Holy Spirit.

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Q: How many people were anointed with the Holy Spirit in the Bible?
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Can someone be anointed without the spirit of God?

NO. The anointing comes from the Holy Spirit.

How did they search for people in bible time?

Sometimes with 'the holy spirit'

How do Jehovah's Witnesses become anointed?

This would be a matter between the individual claiming to be anointed and the Holy Spirit. There is no ritual associated with becoming one of the anointed.

How many writers has written Bible?

About 40 people wrote bible by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

What is the description of The Bible?

The bible is a living word, it is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. Only the Holy Spirit could achieve this - God commands - Jesus is the Word and the link to our world - the Holy Spirit is the activity of God everywhere; this is the trinity and it's separate functions. So men who were appointed and anointed by God [He anointed through His priests in the Old Testament] wrote the Word by the Spirit of God. That is why it is written by God, and is powerful in our lives.

What does title mean in the Bible?

The Holy Bible refers to the Holy Spirit

Did the holy spirit prompt the writers of the bible to communicate the story of god with his people?

Yes. The Holy Spririt/God communicated the entire bible to different people and they wrote His words.

Who is the bible author?

Holy Spirit

What men did God use to write the bible?

God used many people to write the bible. One of them is Moses, he wrote the book of genesis. They writers of the bible are either instructed by God or inspired by the Holy spirit( the holy spirit tells them)

What is the meaning of the Holy Ghost?

The biblical meaning of "Holy Ghost" is "Holy Spirit". The word is seen in The Bible, where the Holy Ghost is replaced by Holy Spirit insinuating the spirit of God.

How many times is the Holy Spirit in the Bible?

The phrase "holy spirit" is in the King James Version of the Bible 7 times. It is in 7 verses.

How The Bible started?

God inspired people to write the Bible through the Holy Spirit He sent to earth.But God is the MAIN author of the bible.