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The most famous was Eugene Debs, a socialist and a member of the IWW ("International Workers of the World", often said to mean "I Won't Work" because they liked to go on strike, frequently called the "Wobblies"). Debs ran for president five times, in 1900, 1904, 1908 and 1912, and the final time in 1920, running from his prison cell. Debs had finished third in the 1912 election with 6% of the popular vote. In 1920 Debs, in prison, got close to a million votes, more than he ever had before. Debs was sentenced to ten years for violating the Espionage Act of 1917. Debs had given a speech in which he urged people to resist the military drafts used to fill the WWI armies with fresh cannon fodder. Woodrow Wilson called him a "traitor" and Debs was arrested during the "Palmer Raids", all part of the first "Red Scare" in America. Palmer was the Attorney General of the US for Woodrow Wilson. Over 6000 people were arrested in the Palmer raids, thought to be communists and held for suspicion of sedition.

Other people were arrested for handing out leaflets to men at draft induction centers urging them to resist the draft.

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Q: How many people were arrested for freedom of speech during World War 1?
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How are some of our freedoms rooted in the colonial period?

freedom of speech

Which revolution was the most successful in giving people freedom and equality?

France, because they abolished slavery, gave women rights and garnteed equlity and liberity, and freedom: of speech, religion, assembly, equlity.

What French laws passed in 1830 dissolved the legislature ended freedom of speech and put new restrictions on the right to vote?

it was freedom of press and its the french's the July Ordinances

In what ways does the declaration of the rights of man limit the power of the crown?

A declaration of the rights of man, means that the common people (the bourgeoisie) gain rights that have to do with equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc. Before the declaration of the rights of man were introduced in Revolutionary France for example, the Ancien Regime (the old regime) of the monarchy determined what happened in the country concerning these topics, meaning there was only one religion in France which was the right one: the roman catholic religion, there was no freedom of press (opinion) and there was a class system (first, second and third estate) which divided the people is ranks. When the declaration of the rights of man was adapted, the people gained much more freedom and the crown lost power.

Does Canada have freedom of speech?

Yes. According to 4 major indeces of freedom, Canada earned a perfect scores in each:a "Free" ranking from Freedom House, a "Free" ranking in economic freedom from the Fraser institute, a "Good Situation" ranking from Reporters Without Borders' press freedom index, and a "Full Democracy" ranking from the Economist's democracy rankings. Only 14 nations earned perfect scores in each category. For more:

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Which freedom may have been illegally denied by attorney General Palmer during the red scare?

The Freedom of Speech.

Did Abraham Lincoln restrict speech during the war?

No, people were still allowed freedom of speech. Many newspapers mocked Abraham Lincoln and what he did.

What are protesters granted by the government?

The first amendment gives people the freedom of speech. Protest is freedom of speech.

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The USSR tried the idea of Glasnost to allow its people more freedom of speech.

What freedom did the attorney general of the US violate during the Red Scare?

Freedom of speech

Should freedom of speech be restricted during war?

no freedom of speech should never be restricted no matter what even if its the end of the world

Do the people of the UK enjoy freedom of speech?

No we do not and we never have had total freedom of speech and neither does any country on this planetHowever we do have Freedoms of speech, which is different.

Who is responsible for freedom of speech?

The people who wrote the constitution also wrote the bill of rights, which includes the freedom of speech.

What are the possible consequences people risk when they refuse to respect the limits placed on freedom of speech and freedom of press?

Some people and organizations do not respect freedom of speech or freedom of press. These people can be prosecuted and jailed.

How is freedom of speech different from freedom of press?

People can say what they want (mostly) and this is freedom of speech. Freedom of the press is when newspapers can print their opinion whether it is critical of the government or not.

How is freedom of speech different from the freedom of the press?

People can say what they want (mostly) and this is freedom of speech. Freedom of the press is when newspapers can print their opinion whether it is critical of the government or not.