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Q: How many people were killed or injured in the coventry blitz?
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How many people died in Cardiff during the blitz?

5000001 killed and 876452 seriously injured

Where did the Coventry Blitz happen?


Did 500 people die in the blitz?

Way more than that died during the Blitz, it's to be estimated that between 40,000 - 43,000 civilians were killed and over 50,000+ injured in the Blitz.

What happened to coventry during the blitz?

Coventry was bombed several times by the Luftwaffe. The most devastating attack occurred on 14 November 1940. On that day, 568 people were killed and 60000 buildings were destroyed.

What did the belfast blitz do?

945 people were killed, 2,439 people injured and 56,885 houses damaged or destroyed. The harbor and shipyard were burned.

How many people died during the World War 2 blitz?

Lots">Lotsover 40,000!During the Blitz in London, roughly 40,000 civilians died and many many more were injured.

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How many people died during World War 2 in swansea?

In the Swansea Blitz 230 were killed and over 400 were left injured

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how many pepople were killed in the blitz

How were people in norwich during the blitz affected?

The people of Norwich at the time of the Blitz were not greatly affected, but 340 people from Norwich were killed in the Blitz.

What were the effects of the belfast blitz?

2956 people were killed and 300 injured. 5 homes were destroyed. Britain fought back, and 300 of their men and planes were destroyed.

What was the Coventry blitz short term impacts?

this is gay