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The proportion of clergy varied greatly, at least in the later middle ages, but generally may have amounted to 1-2% of the population, or perhaps half a million in Western Europe around the 12th century.

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Q: How many people were part of the clergy?
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Who took part in the clergy?

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How many rule in a theocracy?

Depends on how many people are in the clergy.

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the clergy had a key role in attaining salvation for the common people because the clergy were the only part of the church that could give the 7 sacraments, such as baptism and the lords supper. These were ways that people could gain God's grace.

What does laity do?

A Laity is all people who are not members of a given profession or other specialized field. In religious organizations, the laity is all people who are not part of the clergy.

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The two types of clergy were regular clergy and secular clergy. Regular clergy were those who were in monastic orders, and so were regulated by the rules of those orders; they included monks and abbots. Secular clergy were those who served the secular population; they were deacons, priests, and bishops serving the secular people, or people who were not clergy.

How many people are in a clergy?

That would depend upon the denomination or sect within Christianity. Could be as few as 1 and as many as thousands.

Why was clergy so important in the lives of the medieval people?

The clergy could administer the sacraments, so everyone who hoped to gain salvation depended on clergy to help them.

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Why do Vatican people have no children?

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Who mandated that clergy were to be elected by the people?

Republic of Virtue