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Home filtered water usually gives you better quality water than bottled water. It is one tenth the cost of bottled water and has a good pure clean taste. "Therefore, while much tap water is indeed risky, having compared available data, we conclude that there is no assurance that bottled water is any safer than tap water." -- The Natural Resources Defense Council

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Q: How many people would recommend filtered water?
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you can have the water evaporate and it will leave the salt behind

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There are a lot of different types of plants, but I recommend filtered water (fresh) for carnivorous plants and I'm guessing tap water (fresh) would be fine for normal potted plants. But make sure you don't have too many chemicals in your tap water.

Is tap water from the sink different from the tap water from the fridge?

If the refrigerator water is filtered, then it would be different from the tap water coming from the sink.

Why are water filters so important to America and what was life Before it was invented and what did people do when the water was not filtered?

If it wasn't for filters the water would be filled with unwanted garbage. Before filters they had wells which was usually had pretty clean water, if not that then lakes or streams that the water would had of been boiled unless you want parasites that is.

Is it good to drink recycled water?

it depends on how you mean recycled but yes recycled water is filtered so i would say its safe

What would mud and river water look like after it was decanted and filtered?

it would look slightly brown but not so dark and it would not have a sediment

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Most people would recommend that alcohol is consumed in moderation.

If distilled water is injected into the muscle where does it go?

Well I dont know why you would inject water into your would be absorbed in the capilaries and eventually filtered through your renal system.

What would happen if the blood is not filtered?

If urine wasn't filtered in the kidney, the particles in the urine would cause your genitals to explode.