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Q: How many plant cells are in a colony?
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Related questions

How many cells does a plant have?

A full grown plant has about 50,000,000 cells.

How many plant cells are in a leaf?

50,000,000 Cells are in a full grown plant leaf :)

How many cells are there in plant?

well, it varies depending on the different plant, of course plant cells are 200micro meters or a fith of a millimeter and take into account that phoelem vessels are composed of lignin, not cells.

How is animals cells different from plant cells?

Animal cells have lysosomes, plant cells don't. Plant cells have a cell wall made out of cellulose, animal cells don't. Animal cells have many small vacuoles, plant cells have one large vacuole. Plant cells have chloroplasts and chlorophyll, animal cells don't. Animal cells have centrioles, plant cells don't.

How many cells are there in a plant?

depends on the size of the plant

How many cells are in plante?

A plant has so many cells, they are uncountable.

Plant cell organelle?

Plant Cells have many Organelles, such as a Chloroplast, which is not present in animal cells

What cell parts do plant cells have that animals cells do not have?

plant cells have chloroplasts and a cell wall, animal cells have many tiny vacuoles, but remember, plant cells only have one large vacuole

Is spinach a plant cell?

Spinach is a plant with many cells.

Is lysosome in animal and in plant cells?

They are in both cells. But there are many in animal cells.

How many individual cells make up a Volvox colony?

500-50,000 individual cells

Do plant cells contain many vacuoles?

ture or palse plant cells contain many small vacuoles? yes by rosi