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There have only been three school shootings in all of Finland's history.

1. January 1989, a 14-year-old boy shot and killed two of his classmates.

2. November 2007, an 18-year-old male student shot and killed six students, a school nurse, the principal, and himself, and injured twelve others.

3. September 2008, a 22-year-old male student shot and killed nine students, a teacher, and himself, and injured three others.

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Q: How many school shootings has there been in Finland recently?
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I don't really see how you'd find any pros in them. No resolution has ever come of them, nothing has been changed for the better as a result of them.

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Homicide will investigate is someone has been injured or killed.

How many people are killed each year in US school shootings?

2018, 14 February - Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school shootings - (17 dead)2017, November 14 - Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings - (6 dead)2015, 1 October - Umpqua Community College shooting - (10 dead)2014, October 24 - Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting - (5 dead)2013, June 7 - 2013 Santa Monica shooting - (6 dead)2012, December 14 - Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings - (28 deaths)2012, 2 April - Oikos University shooting - (7 deaths)2008, February 14 - Northern Illinois University shooting - (6 deaths)2007, 6 April - Virginia Tech massacre - (33 deaths)2006, October 2 - West Nickel Mines School shooting - (6 deaths)2005, 21 March - Red Lake shootings - (10 deaths)1999, 20 April - Columbine High School massacre - (15 deaths)1998, May 21 - Thurston High School shooting - (4 deaths)1998, March 24 - Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden - (5 deaths)1991, 1 November - University of Iowa shooting - (6 deaths)1989, 17 January - Stockton schoolyard shooting - (6 deaths)1976, 12 July - California State University, Fullerton massacre - (7 deaths)1970, 4 May - Kent State shootings (4 deaths)1966, 12 November - Mesa, Arizona - (5 deaths)1966, 1 August - University of Texas tower shooting - (17 deaths)1940, May 6 - Pasadena - (5 deaths)

Who was the last prince of Finland?

The current president of Finland is Tarja Halonen.

Has there ever been a war in Finland?

Finland has been part of many wars. In the many disputes between Sweden and Russia, Finland was usually the battleground. Later, in WW2 Finland itself was attacked and foughtRussia